Birthday aishah tapi dia pun sibuk, tengok aiman tu dia pun nak tiup candle gak..
Birthday Aishah
Technorati Tags: Dayang Mas Nur Aishah birthday
Birthday aishah tapi dia pun sibuk, tengok aiman tu dia pun nak tiup candle gak..
Its takes 2 week to finish the course, quite impressive time and have a lot of knowledge which can be use at my school after this. Overall its a enjoyable course with a good time table management by the instructor involved.
Just want to say, thank you to all the instructor especially Mej Nizam, Mej Kdin, Mej Shahrir, Mej Renga and also Kapt Marina Reds. Thanks for the class and knowledge sharing throughout the course. Also thanks to CP yusni for being a good coordinator for the course.
Hope to see you’ll next time, if time does permit.
Result update (29 May 2014)