Arwah datukku

Arwah datukku

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Birthday To ME..


6-10-2011 4-51-39 AM

I wish my self a 35th happy birthday…. i was born on 6 0ctober 1976 or 13th Syawal 1396 Hijri on beautiful wednesday dawn at 485, Jalan Tanjong Selatan, 93400 Kuching Sarawak. For the old folks they know the place as Patinggan and kampung no 6 for the new generations.

So now i am 35 years old guy on Gregorean calender.  In Hijri or Hijrah i will be 36 years old. Its not the Calender that counts, its in you yourself isnt it?

What have we done till today? What have we achieved? Do we satisfied? So what happen next?

Till the end we wonder, yes life must go on.. no matter what. mind all the hustle bashtle. Just keep on going till your last breath. But as we can see the sun set up and rising till then we have to struggle with our daily life no matter you like it or not.

And of course, its impossible for you to make it just like that! You need Allah in your inner side to achieved what ever that you dream of in your life. Then you will feel satisfied and feel good and happy till the day after.

Anyway.. Just dont wanna keep on babbling with nonsense… with the keypad..

So? wish once again..

Just best of luck! to me myself! Happy birthday young chap! Remember to enjoy and happy always! Remember Allah.. Islam is for all the earthling not just for a group of people.. Remember that!

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